With this plugin for Panotour Pro, you can show the Qr code generated automatically from the Virtual Tour web address.

VRcode automatically creates the QRcode of the project’s URL to be seen on the mobile phone and also the URL to automatically go to the WebVR project, you can cast the colors, the size and the text.

  • Endless Color mix

  • Text into Qr

  • Set Orientation of display when both QRcode are displayed

  • Create QrCode for deep link scene, not only main tour url

  • Change complexity and rounded line of qrcode.

  • Drag from page for save in computer desktop.

  • Set font size

  • Overlay color

  • Google Analytics

*some combinations of colors make the code unreadable, remember to always have contrast between the background and the code


If you use the SkinPlus Plugin (only last version 1.3.1) you can integrate it into the WebVR button (in the Skin Plus settings there are instructions)
Copyright of JQuery.Qrcode Used inside this plugin is of (c) 2016 Lars Jung (https://larsjung.de)